Historical information

This book belonged to Charity Lamerton Phillips and may have belonged to her parents before her. On the inside front cover are the names of George Phillips and Jessie Kerr, giving their marriage date and the birth dates of four of their children. Charity Lamerton Phillips (1872-1942) was the daughter of George and Jessie Phillips of Nirranda and she married Frederick Bonnett and farmed in the Mepunga district.


This book is of interest because of its age and because it contains family information on the Phillips family of Nirranda. Many 19th century people recorded family information in a Bible or other old book kept in the home.

Physical description

This is a hard cover book of 325 pages. The cover is brown leather with some sections eroded away. The spine has gold lettering. The book contains several black and white illustrations. Some of the pages are stained and torn at the edges. There are two loose sheets – an undated newspaper cutting and a notice regarding an anniversary service at the Westdown Congregational Chapel. The inscriptions are handwritten in black ink. There is also pencil scribble on some pages.

Inscriptions & markings

Inside front cover: Details of the marriage of George Phillips and Jessie Kerr and the birth dates of four of their children.