Historical information

The American Truck History Association is an international organization, with over 21,000 members in the United States, Australia, Canada, and 20 other countries worldwide.
A.H. McMullen & Co P/L, established by Arthur McMillan in February, 1951, had a long history as transport operators in Orbost and Gippsland districts. The company became Gippsland's largest transport company. It carted timber from the Orbost/ Cann River district district sawmills to the railway station. Two trains a day left the sloaded with timber. Beans were carted from Fisher's Bean Factory to Melbourne and Sydney. Cream from the farms was transported to the butter factory and for almost twenty years Fuel was carted from Melbourne to the RAAF base at Sale by McMullens.
In 1970 the company was sold to F.J. Stephens and then to Mayne Nickless Transport. (ref.Deborah Hall "In Times Gone By')


A.H. McMullen was a significant business in the mid 20th century in Orbost. This book is a useful reference source.

Physical description

A 40pp book with a dark blue cover titled "The Gearchange". It is a "Classic Edition Issue No. 2" and features A.H. McMullan & C0 P/L. It has a cost of $20.00.
It contains illustrations, photographs and text.