Historical information

Edward Joseph Flynn VX28373 enlisted on 19.6.1940 in the 2nd AIF. Embarked for Eygpt 29.12.1940, disembark 29.11.1940, embark for Australia 5.2.1942, disembark 16.3.1942, embark for New Guinea 12.6.1942, disembark Sydney 8.12.1943 for leave, from here he spends time in hospital with Malaria then Dermatitis of the Face. Embark for Morotai 10.4.1944, disembark 22.4.1945, embark for British North Borneo 30.5.1945, embark for Australia 28.10.1945, disembark Brisbane 15.11.1945. On discharge from the AIF 6.12.45 he was still serving as a Gunner in 2/3rd Anti Tank Regt.
He would also be entitled to the Australian Service medal 1945 - 75.

Physical description

Medal set, court mounted, set of (6) re E.J Flynn.
1. 1939-45 Star.
2. Africa Star.
3. Pacific Star.
4. Defence Medal.
5. War Medal 1939-45.
6. Australian Service Medal.

Inscriptions & markings

"VX28373 E J FLYNN"