Award - MEDAL SET, Post WW1

Historical information

Charles Jury No 273 enlisted on 17.7.15 in A Coy 29th Batt AIF aged 25 years 11 months. Embarked for Eygpt 10.11.15. Embarked for France 16.6.16. WIA on 19/20.7.16 Shell Wound to neck. Promoted to L/Cpl 2.1.17. Attends Gas School 5.2.17. WIA 2nd occasion 3.3.17 Shell Concussion. Hospital 2.7.18 with Nasal Obstruction. Discharged from the AIF 16.4.18. Refer 2081P also 2080 re his son.

Physical description

Medal set, court mounted, set of (3) re C Jury.
1. 1914-15 Tar.
2. War Medal 1914-19, replica not engraved.
3. Victory Medal

Inscriptions & markings

"273 L-Cpl C Jury 29 Bn AIF"


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