Historical information

John Holley No 1311 enlisted on 11.3.16 in D Coy 39th Batt AIF aged 24 years. Embarked for England 27.5.16. Transferred to the 8th Batt 15.9.16. Hospital with PUO 14.12.16. Hospital on 20.4.17 with sore feet. KIA France 16.4.18. PUO (Pyrexia unknown origin) Refer 2132.2P.
.2) One star on a ribbon represented one son/husband lost in the War.
John Holley had a younger brother Arthur who enlisted in WW11. Refer 2134.

Physical description

.1) Medals, court mounted, set of (2) re J Holley.
1. War Medal 1914-19.
2. Victory Medal.
.2) Mothers and Widows Ribbon, black length of ribbon with Rising Sun centre, under is "For Australia", at the top is a polished metal piece with a floral emblem, at the bottom is same metal piece with one brass 7 pronged star. Rear of the top plate is engraved with a number.
.3) Small brownish coloured box that housed .2).

Inscriptions & markings

.1) "1311 Pte J Holley 8 BN A.I.F"
.2) "32962"
