Historical information

This portrait could be of Captain Daniel McCallum.
In the Williamstown Chronicle dating back Saturday 16 March 1895 we could read:
" An interesting ceremony will be performed at the Sailor's Rest next Thursday 21st. inst., when a large photo of the late Captain D. McCallum (which has been presented to the Rest) will be unveiled, in the presence, it is expected, of several of those who assisted Captain McCallum in his good, work amongst the sailors, and others who were closely connected with the Mr Ronald Reid a will supply the musical part of the pogramme."
Captain McCallum was secretary of the Williamstown Sailors' Rest, located in Ann Street, and had himself saved the rest paying some of its debt. He died in 1887.


Many portraits of supporters were unveiled in the several buildings of the Mission. Sadly few reached us and are difficult to identify.

Physical description

Studio portrait of a man sitting, with moustache, wearing a 3 piece suit with buttonhole spray, walking cane ad bowler hat.

Inscriptions & markings

Signature in red ink in the bottom right corner: "CHUCK-artist"

