Book, Australia in the War of 1939. - 1945 Royal Australian Navy 1939 - 1942 Author is G.Herman Gill. Volume 1 Series 2, First Published in 1957

Historical information

Australia in the War 1939-1945. Series 2 NAVY Volume 1

Physical description

Australia in the War of 1939-1945 - Royal Australian Navy 1939-1942
Maps, Photographs and Illustrations

Inscriptions & markings

Inside front page has a handwritten letter on personal paper from George Herman Gill to Oscar Esther - June 1958.
Inscription - Presented to Lara Sub Branch RSSAILA Lara, Vic by Squadron Leader O.A. Mendelssohn an old friend and admirer of the author, commander G.H. Gill OBE June 1958.
Australian War Memorial

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