Historical information

Compilation of articles, short stories and poems of events and experiences of servicemen and women.


Compilation of articles, short stories and poems of events and experiences of Australian servicemen and women in World War 2.

Physical description

Hardcover cardboard, green in colour. Light green text - As You Were on the front cover and '1950' on the bottom of the front cover. Rectangular relief on front cover showing 2 aircraft, sea waves and a figure.
The front and back inside covers are illustrated as a chessboard with military figures, including women - nurses and army, horses and military weaponry.
There are two copies held by the Lara RSL Sub Branch

Inscriptions & markings

To the memory of the fallen
' They gave their lives. For that public gift they received a praise which never ages and a tomb most glorious - not so much the tomb in which they lie, but that in which their fame survives, to be remembered forever when occasion comes for word or deed...'