Historical information

.1) Is re Evan. EVANS No. 3114 in 6th Batt. 10th Reinforcements then transferred to 1st Pioneers.
.2) "To Joe & Linne from cousin Leslie 3rd/38th Batt."
.10) Letter is to Joe & Linne from apparently "Jim"
.1) Re Evans. There is an Evan Owens No 3114 enlisted in 10th reinforcements 6th Batt AIF on 10.7.1915 age 21 years. Em bark for Egypt 29.9.1915, transfer to 1st Pioneer Batt 12.3.1916, embark for France 2.3.1916, WIA 22/27 .7.1916 GSW head, rejoin unit 16.10.1916, discharged from the AIF 3.8.1919.
.2) Re Leslie. This possibly Albert Leslie Owens (brother to Evan) No 953, enlisted in the AIF in C Coy 38th Batt on 21.2.1916 age 24 years. Embark for England 20.6.1916, hospital with Measles 18.8.1916, embark for France 22.11.1916, detached to 10th Light Trench Mortar Battery, WIA 6.5.1917 GSW to face and left eye, while recovering he was admitted to hospital 13.8.1917 with Retinitis (eye), returned to Australia and discharged medically unfit 5.2.1918.

Physical description

.1) Photo, sepia colour showing large group of soldiers (46) seated on a hill side. A small dog in the front row.
.2) Postcard photo of soldier in pith helmet beside palm tress, B&W.
.3) Postcard photo of soldier standing with crop, B&W.
.4) Postcard photo of soldier standing with officers cane, B&W.
.5) Postcard photo of soldier standing with riding crop, B&W.
.6) Postcard photo of 11 soldiers outside a hut, B&W.
.7) Photo postcard of soldier with "Red Cross" on arm, B&W.
.8) Photo postcard of soldier, portrait, B&W.
.9) Photo, postcard of group of soldiers (10) outside tents, B&W.
.10) Photo, postcard of soldier standing outside building holding a crop, B&W. Letter written on the back in ink, B&W.