Historical information

Colin A Goldberg b 13 November 1932 - D 2February 2013.

Colin attended several primary schools in Victoria leaving school aged 13 years. Working hard at various jobs Colin studied at RMIT qualifying as builder /carpenter in 1961.

Colin was called up for National Service on 30 July, 1951. He was allotted to the RAAF, and underwent recruit training at Laverton. From there he went to the ground and air radio school in Ballarat. After his training Colin was placed in the RAAF reserve. Colin was on the list for Korea for 9 years although did not serve.

Colin said of his training: "My National Service Training showed me purpose & a discipline that turned my life somewhat around for the good & for all time".

Colin first joined the family of R S L at WARRAGUL in 1992 transferring to Lara in 1996. Elizabeth, Colin's wife, says that he was probably working with members of the RSL and that talk at work about the branch made him think that it was a good place to connect and make friends, and this was part of the reason why they continued at Lara.

Colin. And wife Elizabeth came to live in Lara in 1994 there being a warm welcome for us both by the members of Lara RSL in 1996. Colin & Elizabeth found friendship & a whole wide window to the consequence of warfare. Indeed history written through the suffering of so many .

Colin & Elizabeth were married for 57 years when Colin died. Colin and Elizabeth had two daughters, three grandchildren, and three great grandchildren however he never met them.


Personal Story A willingness to put oneself in readiness for the call to arm oneself in the defence of family and Nation .

Physical description

Sepia image of Telegraphist A37084 Colin A Goldberg Cream Mount Black Frame. Colin is standing on the steps of hut number 199 at Ground and Air Radio School RAAF Ballarat

Inscriptions & markings

A37084 Telegraphist Colin Arthu Goldberg. 1st National Service Intake. RAAF. 1932-2013.