Photograph of Leonard Guy resident engineer for SECV

Historical information

In 1940 Field Headquarters for the Kiewa Scheme were established at Bogong with office, workshop facilities and accommodation for workmen, staff and some families constructed. (There had been a 'tent camp' on this site in 1939 but was destroyed by bushfires) Construction of accommodation continued until 1947. Lake Guy was named after Mr. L.T. Guy


Mr L.T. Guy was placed in charge of Hydro investigations in 1923 and became the resident engineer for the Kiewa Valley Hydro Scheme in 1938. He was the Resident Engineer in charge of construction work and associated activities on the Kiewa area. He held this position from 1939 to November 1946 when he was transferred to Head Office.

Physical description

Black and white photograph of Mr Leonard Guy. Photo mounted on black background with typed information regarding Mr Guy underneath,

Inscriptions & markings

Printed in black ink, on white paper underneath photograph – LEONARD GUY
L.T. Guy was placed in charge of Hydro Investigations in 1923 and made intermittent visits to the area.
In 1938 he became Resident Engineer. The lake at Bogong is named after him in recognition of his contribution on the Kiewa Scheme.


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