Historical information

Raymond James Russel WHYTE Initially enlisted on 16.8.40 as V28354 serving in 2 Cav Div ASC. He was discharged on 6.10.41 his enlistment date into the AIF on his records is stated as 1.10.1941 age 24 years 4 months. Taken strength at RRD Royal Park on 7.10.1941, posted to 2/10th Ordnance W/Shops 2.1.1942, embarked for Malaya 10.1.1942 arriving 26.1.1942, reported missing 16.2.1942, listed POW dated 29.10.1942, deceased while POW, cause not stated 5.6.1945. Raymond died in Borneo on the Sandakan Death March.

Physical description

Photo, B & W Portrait of R.J.R. Whyte in uniform, no hat on. Photo is in a black plastic frame.