Historical information

William Patrick SHEPHERD No VX66586 enlisted in the 2nd AIF on 26.11.1941 age 25 years 10 months at RRD Royal Park. Transfers to A.A.S.C on 3.12.1941 then posted to 2/10th Ordnance W/Shops, embark for Malaya 10.1.1942 arriving Singapore 26.1.1942, listed Missing 16.2.1942, listed as POW 13.4.1943, dated 28.9.1945 listed as deceased whilst POW, cause not stated 5.6.1945. A letter to Mrs Sheperd dated 18.1.1946 states died of Malaria. This was from Japanese records mostly.
William died on the Sandakan Death March Borneo.

Physical description

Photo B & W portrait of W.P Sheperd in uniform no hat. Photo taken with his Regt No. Display at bottom