Historical information

This butter ram appears to have been made locally and was probably hand-made at a local factory. It was used to ram or mould butter into 56 pound butter boxes for bulk supply or for later cutting up into smaller quantities. Warrnambool was, and is still today, the centre of an important dairying industry with several large milk, cheese and butter factories in the area. The Warrnambool Cheese and Butter Factory at Allansford is the oldest operating factory of this type in Victoria and was established in 1888. The production of butter in the area was greatly accelerated by the invention of refrigeration in the early 1880s, enabling butter to be transported overseas. Warrnambool had two butter box factories which both closed in the 1920s. Up to the mid 1950s the production of butter was largely a hand process.


This butter ram is of considerable interest as an example of the early tools used in the local butter industry.

Physical description

This is a heavy solid wooden block in a rectangular shape with the top shaped in the form of a pyramidal base. The edges of the base are worn from constant pounding. A long round wooden handle or rod is inserted into the top of the block.