Historical information

Bark row, Lillian Chandler, Rose Chambers (nee Chandler), Herbert (Bert) Chandler, Alice Chandler (Spinster) Front row, Patience Annie Chandler (nee Garnett), George Chandler (Husband and Wife), Patience Chandler (nee Pike) Arthur Chambers, James Chandler (husband of Patience Pike), Elizabeth Plum, Charles Chandler

Physical description

Black and white family group photo (now grey), mounted on battered grey cardboard, which has been pasted onto new cardboard.

Inscriptions & markings

On back of cardboard: "Back row | Lillian Chandler, Rose Chambers (Chandler), Herbert (Bert) Chandler, Alice Chandler (spinster) | Front Row | Patience Annie Garnet, George Chandler (husband and wife), Patience Pike (wife of James Chandler), Arthur Chambers, James Chandler (husband of Patience Pike) | Elizabeth (Plum), Charles Chandler"