Historical information

This is a special edition of The Gap to celebrate 150 years of Victorian settlement.
The first edition of this magazine was produced by associated elementary schools in the Omeo Shire. The magazine was published from 1920 to 1927 and 1963 to 1969. This is a special issue in 1985. In all issues there is writing by children from schools that have since closed down.


This item reflects the changes in education in East Gippsland and is a useful comparison tool for literacy teaching. It also has historical articles for research.

Physical description

A 174 pp magazine with an olive green and cream coloured cardboard cover. On the front is a sketch of a small schoolhouse on a hill overlooking a gap in the hills below. The title, "The Gap" is at the top in green print on a cream background. There is a logo for Victoria 150. It contains historical articles, photographs and examples of children's work.