Historical information

Patrick Noel Redden No 21402 enlisted on 16.9.15 in 9th FAB Ammunition Column aged 21 years 10 months. Embarked for England 11.5.16, embarked for France 16.1.17, transfered to Divisional Artillery 23.3.17, hospital 17.11.17 with Influenza then early December with Myalgia. Rejoins unit in France 15.1.18, discharged from the AIF on 20.8.19. (1 D.A.C) 1st Division Ammunition Column.

Physical description

Medals, individual, (2) re P.N Redden.
.1) Victory Medal.
.2) War Medal 1914-19.
.3) Certificate of Discharge No W749 re P.N Redden, certificate is laminated, details name, rank, Regt No, years of service, personnel details, double sided form.

Inscriptions & markings

.1) & .2) "21402 GNR P.N.Redden 1 D.A.C, A.I.F"