Historical information

Albert Francis STRAUSS No 1914 enlisted in the 2nd reinforcements 38th Batt on 26.4.1916 age 27 years. Embarked for England 16.8.1916, embark for France 22.11.1916, WIA 28.1.1917 GSW to face, rejoin unit 7.2.1917, hospital 3.4.1917 with Rhuematism, rejoin unit 18.5.1917, hospital 24.7.1917 displaced tendon left hand, rejoin unit 28.8.1917, promoted L/Cpl 13.6.1918; WIA 2nd occasion 11.8.1918 GSW left shoulder and arm, rejoin unit 7.10.1918, RTA 27.5.1919, discharged from the AIF 4.9.1919.

Physical description

Brown moulded wooden frame with olive green mount & glass front. Rectangular enhanced studio portrait of ALBERT FRANCIS STRAUSS in uniform.

Inscriptions & markings

Short military history of “ALBERT FRANCIS STRAUSS of Bendigo”