Award - MEDAL SET, Post WW1

Historical information

Stephen Spokes No 3870 enlisted on 16.6.16 in 9th reinforcements 29th Batt aged 43years 9 months. Embarked for England 19.9.16, embark for France 16.1.17, hospital 30.3.17 with Chronic Rhuematism, returned to Australia 22.7.17 classed with Rhuematism and Flat feet for home service. Discharged from the AIF on 2.11.17.

Physical description

Medals, brass plate mounted, set (2) re S Spokes.
1. War Medal 1914.19.
2. Victory Medal.

Inscriptions & markings

"3870 Pte S Spokes 29 BN A.I.F"


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