Booklet, Baxter & Stubbs, Printers and Bookbinders, Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, 1921, 1921

Historical information

Editorial, Fumes from the Lab, Answers to correspondents, Trip to Mt Feathertop and Mt Buffalo, Trade Topics, Excursion to Melbourne, Melbourne Electric Railways, Arts & Crafts gossip, Bush camp, Manuals, Echoes of the Past, Past Students', Sport, Shun Military notes, The Junior Techs.

Physical description

Green soft covered magazine.

Articles include: New Principal A.F. Heseltine, Chemistry and Engineers (by J.R. Pound), Mt Feathertio and Mt Buffalo excursion, Trade topics, Plumbing, A Frequency Changer, Excursion to Melbourne, Moorabool Excursion, Military Notes, The New Junior Technical School

Images include: A.F. Heseltine, Magazine Committee, football caricucatures, frequency changer, Ballarat School of Mines Football Team, Ballarat School of Mines Cricket Team, Ballarat School of Mines Athletics Team, Ballarat Junior Techncal School Athletics Team

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