Historical information

Melbourne University Old Physics Building (1889) was designed by Reed, Henderson and Smart. It later house the Univesity's Centre for Indigenous Education and a conference centre (2010).

Physical description

Colour photograph of the windows of the Melbourne University Old Physics Building.

Inscriptions & markings

A plaque on the wall of this building states:
In April, 1856 stonemasons woking on this building downed tools, marched to the city and inaugrated a movement which win the Eight Hour Day for building workers in Victoria. The victory became an international landmark in the history of the labour movement.

Another plaque reads:
This, the original building of the University was built of Tasmanian freestone between 1854 and 1857 to the design of F.M. White, architect. It was for many years the University's administrative centre, library, lecture rooms, and professorial residences. The east and west wings were extended in 1930 to the design of J.S. Gawler. In 1969, the quadrangle was completed by the addition of the southern wing which contains the council chamber, designed by R.E. Featherstone.

A third plaque states:
These cloisters, commenced in 1853 and extended in 1930 nd 1969 were completed in 1981 through the generosity of the late Edward Stevens, a member of Council from 1926 until 1939. The work was also supported by the Wilson Trust and Sir Wilfred Brookes.