Historical information

This magazine was produced as a program for the 75th Annual Show at Newmerella Recreation Reserve.
The first meeting to form an Agricultural society in Orbost was convened by the then Orbost Progress Association and held in the Mechanics Hall on Saturday, 10th October 1891. Its first show was held on 3rd March 1904...on a site alongside the Bonang Road where the present Golf Club stands. It is currently held at the Recreation Reserve at Newmerella. Ref: In Times Gone By-Deborah Hall


This item is associated with the Orbost Agricultural Society 's Annual Show which has been a major event in Orbost for over a century.
Agricultural shows are an important part of cultural life in small country towns and the Orbost Show is an integral part of Orbost 's agricultural history.

Physical description

A small thin 40 pp paper booklet with a buff coloured cover. On the cover is the title, "75th Annual Show in black print. It is inside a black border with "Orbost Agricultural Show" at the top. There is the date of the event, details of the committee members and costs of admission beneath the title.