Booklet - Annual Report 1878, The Ballarat Star, The School of Mines Ballaarat Annual Report, 31 January, 1878, 1878

Historical information

The School of Mines Annual Report, 23 December, 1878, Statements of Receipts and Expenditure for 1877-78, General Balance Sheet, List of Subscriptions and Donations, Bequest - form of, Certificates granted by the Council, Donations of Books, Specimens, facilities for forwarding, Examiners, Extracts from Visitors Book, Fees - table of, General Balance Sheet, Honorary Correspondents, Laboratories - cost of, Lecturers, Life Governors, Museums, Officer-Bearers, Receipts and Expenditure 1878 - General, Balance Sheet 1878 - Pyrites Fund, Receipts and Expenditure 1878 - Endowment Fund, Subscriptions and Donations, Visitors invited to inspect

Physical description

White booklet of 36 pages - Ballarat School of Mines Annual Report 1878

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