Historical information

Saunders General Store was opened in 1900, overlapping part of the Mensland and Coultons stores. It was called "The ―Melbourne Store" which referred to it being a branch of their Melbourne store.The shop was burnt down in the early 1930‘s. Arthur Scott Saunders was born in 1864 and died 3-12-1913 (49) in Orbost. He was the son of Thomas Frederick Saunders and Lucy Beard Scott. He was a Storekeeper at Orbost, a member of the early Show Committees, a Rechabite in 1893, and was a member of the Board of Guardians of the Church of England from 1894 to 1913 where he served as secretary and treasurer of the Board. He was married to Agnes Louisa Stuart Morris. She sold the business in 1919 to Mr J. H. V. Dale and left Orbost with her two daughters for East Malvern in April 1927. ( more info. on the Saunders family in In Times Gone By by Deborah Hall; Orbost & District Historical Society Newsletter by John Phillips)
Robert Pullar Cameron was a Shire Councillor for many years. He married Penuel Hossack and had a family of James, Flora, Penuel and Alex.


This item is an example of a hand-written account from an Orbost business of the early 20th century. It is a useful research tool.

Physical description

A white paper account with red lines, hand-written black print. There is a yellow duty stamp and a green receipt from A.S. Saunders, Drapers, Grocer and Ironmonger, to R.P. Cameron.