Historical information
This item belonged to Dr Horace Iles Holmes (1877-1959). He was born and educated in Tasmania and completed a medical degree at Melbourne University. He commenced a medical practice in Warrnambool in 1906 and was the Honorary Medical Officer at the Warrnambool Hospital and Warrnambool’s Health Officer. His practice was at ‘Ierne’ at the corner of Spence and Kepler Streets. Dr Holmes was an early member of the Royal Australian College of Surgeons and was prominent in Warrnambool community affairs (foundation President of the Warrnambool Rotary Club, a member of the local Masonic Lodge for over 50 years, a Warrnambool Hospital Committee member, a long-term Trustee of the Warrnambool Methodist Church and President of the Lyndoch Hostel for the Aged Committee). Dr Holmes also had many recreational interests, including fishing, bowls and golf.
This item is of considerable interest as one coming from the collection of Horace Iles Holmes, a doctor who was prominently associated with the professional and community life of Warrnambool for well over 50 years.
Physical description
.1 This is a cylindrical-shaped brown leather case with white stitching along the sides and at the ends. The top end has a leather lid attached to the body of the case with a metal pin. The leather attachment here is broken away. On the side of the case is a leather handle. The case is much scuffed.
.2 This is a metal tripod with three legs and pointed ends for embedding into the ground area. The three legs sit on a rounded metal top with a screw for attachment to a camera. The metal top has white printing. The top part of the tripod is slightly rusted.
Inscriptions & markings
‘Normal Marque Deposee’