Historical information

In the 1830’s, European pastoralists started moving south from NSW into the Alps. In 1836, cattle grazing began around Omeo and the runs spread out into the foothills. The higher country was used for summer grazing and huts were built for shelter and storage during stock mustering. The lure of gold brought many people to the Alps from around 1850 to 1900. Bushfires destroyed the forests around Melbourne in 1939 and the boom in house-building after World War II ked to increased demand for timber from the Alps. This resulted in the building of a network of roads which helped open up access to the Alps. The early 1940’s brought the first of many workers to the Alps for the planning and construction of the Hydro-Electric Scheme. These were the pioneers and early settlers of the Kiewa Valley and provided a wealth of characters and a tapestry of stories and adventures to be handed down to future generations.


These 3 posters, which were most likely produced for promotional purposes provide a glimpse into the early lives of the pioneer families of the Kiewa Valley through pictures and verse. They show their lifestyle and outline the hardships they had to endure in living and working in the Alpine region. They also highlight the early arguments regarding grazing in the high country which would ultimately lead to the end of the long traditions of the high country cattle men.

Physical description

Set of 3 A4 size posters with black and white photographs and text and colour
background depicting various parts of the history of the Kiewa Valley.
1. Titled - ‘Life wasn’t meant to be easy’ Describes early life for Kiewa Hydro workers.
2. Titled - ‘Cattlemen of the High Plains’ Describes a brief history of life of the cattlemen of the high plains
3. Titled – ‘There are Places I’ll remember’ Depicts early photographs of residents of the Kiewa Valley, also includes the words from a John Lennon song as per poster title.

Inscriptions & markings

Printed on each poster – Poster designed by Dyanne Photography - Wodonga
1. Printed at bottom of poster – Sources: G Napier and G Easdown “The Kiewa Story” 1993. Southern Hydro Archives, N Hetherington and R Hollands. G Gardner “The Kiewa Kids” 1998.
2. Printed at bottom of poster – Sources: D Purland. Handwritten at top of poster- Poster 4
3. Printed at bottom of poster – Sources: B Roper, W Davies, D Higginson, H Ryder. Handwritten at top of poster- Poster 3