Historical information

Formal identification of the property to be bought as the first Melbourne Legacy residence sent to Legatee E. Russell, Chair of the Hostel Committee. The survey is hand drawn and meticulously measured.


The documents demonstrate business practices in the 1940s with regard to the purchase of property, as well as being an important record of the first property to be purchased by Melbourne Legacy as a residence for children.

Physical description

00310.1 Letter from Dudley A. Tregent, Solicitor, dated 15 January 1943, to Legatee E. Russell, Chair of the Hostel Committee, enclosing the survey sketch plan. White paper, black letterhead and typing, two holes punched for filing
00310.2 Survey sketch plan by Meudell, Gillespie & Co, dated 13 January 1943. Black type and printing, with some red shading and writing, on white foolscap paper.
00310.3 Letter from Meudell, Gillespie & Co to Mr. D.A. Tregent, Solicitor. Quarto, black typing, red underlining, on white.

Inscriptions & markings

00310.1 Signed by D.A. Tregent
00310.2 Signed by Percival A. Jordan
00310.3 Signed by Percival A. Jordan