Historical information

The Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme was constructed by the State Electricity Commission of Victoria. Draftsmen drew up the plan of the layout as per the instructions from the engineers. The plan was drawn up on a transparency sheet and paper prints run off on a 'dyeline' copier. The 'Chief draftsman' and 'Design engineer' and 'Civil engineers recommended it and approved it.


Historic: This plan gives a time line for the work on the Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme. It is a good example of the work of a draftsman and the copying process in 1958.

Physical description

Large topography map of the area covered by the Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme in 1958. Mountain peaks are marked in red and named. Rivers, roads, construction infrastructure as well as the main areas / names of construction are named. Signed and dated by employees of the S.E.C.V. working on the scheme.