Historical information

This is a medal awarded by the Warrnambool Bowling Club to William Kucks in 1900. The Warrnambool Bowling Club was established in 1867 with a green near the Royal Hotel in Timor Street. The club still operates in Kelp Street. William Kucks was a long-time resident of Warrnambool, operating a boarding house in the town in Timor Street in the 1860s and then a bakery in the same street for many years.


This medal is of considerable interest as a memento of the Warrnambool Bowls Club in the early 20th century and of a well-known 19th century and early 20th century Warrnambool resident, William Kucks.

Physical description

This silver gilt covered medallion is diamond shaped with the edge incised into four small triangles and four curved and pointed shapes. The latter have four adjacent leaf shapes in relief. The centralised text is surrounded by a horseshoe of graduated, rounded pentagons. It has a small ring attached at the top.There is a hinged pin and catch on the reverse.

Inscriptions & markings

CHAMPIONSHIP 1899-1900 W KUCKS Runner up