Historical information

The Returned Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen Imperial League of Australia was formed in 1916 as welfare group to assist military personnel returning from the overseas active service. In 1965 the organization was renamed the Returned Services League of Australia and assists military personnel, and their families, both past and present. The Women's Auxiliaries assisted in the past with the work of the R.S.S.A.I.L.A. and today assist with the work of the Returned Services League. (The K.G.Luke company was founded in 1925 and continued until the 1980s.)


This badge is of interest as one issued by the Women's Auxiliary of the R.S.S.A.I.L.A. It is not known if it has any connection to a local branch of the Women's Auxiliary.

Physical description

Small circular metal badge with dark blue circle around the edge and an Australian flag surrounded by a cream section. Pin on the reverse.

Inscriptions & markings

Women's Auxiliary RSSAILA. ( Returned soldiers and sailors Imperial league of Australia)