Historical information

00373.1 Letter dated 30 January 1943 to W.G.Thomson enclosing a list of items that the Hostel wished to purchase and a cheque for £88/19/- in payment. It also requests the vendor considers adding items such as garden tools and hoses for sale, as Legacy would "find it difficult to obtain these items at present".
00373.2 The List of Articles available for purchase by Legacy Club. Broken down room by room. Included items such as curtains, linoleum, vacuum cleaner, kitchen table and chairs, roller for the tennis court and a stepladder.


A record of written correspondence regarding purchasing furniture and items for the first hostel established by Legacy in 1943.

Physical description

00373.1 Blue quarto copy paper, black type, two hole punched.
00373.2 White foolscap paper, black type, two hole punched.

Inscriptions & markings

00373.1 Initialled illegible on behalf of the Chairman - Hostel Committee.
00373.2 Tick marks in pencil alongside some items