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matching residences
Melbourne Legacy
Document - Document, report, Report of Forecasting Committee Legacy Residences, 1970
... Report of Forecasting Committee Legacy Residences...residences ...Confidential report dated 11th November 1970 by Forecasting Sub-Committee chaired by A.V. Dore. Itemises occupancy from 1961-71, annual cost of the residences, auxiliary accommodation costs and Legacy manpower needed, as well as the philosophy behind providing residential care. Consideration is given to the need for accommodation, equivalent care available elsewhere, and the projected decline in the number of children needing accommodation. The Forecasting Sub-Committee recommended that a further sub-committee be appointed by the Board to enquire further along the lines suggested in this report, and this became the Residences Review Sub-Committee in 1971. (See Cat.No. 01671) The table (01670(5)) compares statistics from 1961, 1971 and 1980 for Legatees, children, and gross spending, all of which showed an increase.Part of the history of Melbourne Legacy's involvement with residential care for children.5 photocopied foolscap sheets, black on discoloured white. Two holes punched for filing. Adhesive tape has deteriorated and come off 01670(5), leaving it in two pieces. Page 1: Handwritten 'Arrange meeting', and annotations to the figures in the occupancy table. Page 4: 'L/tee J.E. Chancellor' handwritten at top Table: '£35 per week for 1 child in residences' under 1971, other handwritten annotations.residences, review -
Melbourne Legacy
Letter, Re: Residences - Future of Individual Residences
... Re: Residences - Future of Individual Residences...residences ...Letter dated 29 November 1973 from (Legatee) A. Quale, Chairman, Residences Committee, to Legatee H.C.G. Rodgers appointing him to the Steering Committee (Residences) and laying out the terms of reference, and the investigations to be undertaken in order make recommendations about the future of the Melbourne Legacy residences. Members of the committee were selected with particular reference to their experience in certain fields and responsibilities allocated accordingly; Legatee Rodgers was tasked with forecasting occupancy levels for the following 10 years. Legatee Rodgers noted that copies of the titles for Blamey House and Harelands were to follow.Part of the history of Melbourne Legacy's involvement with residential care for children.Photocopied letter on letterhead, some original typing, black on white. Signed in blue biro 'Allan Quale, per (illegible)'residences, blamey house, harelands, stanhope -
Melbourne Legacy
Document, 6. Future of Residences
... 6. Future of Residences...residences ...Photocopy of two pages from minutes to be included in the Residences Committee Minutes of meeting held 26/8/1971. Reports the results of investigations undertaken by a sub-committee formed by the Board of Management. Discusses the future of the residences in view of the diminishing number of children requiring accommodation and offers different solutions to be submitted to the Residences Committee when the sub-committee attends the October meeting of the RC. Advises that only 2 residences might be needed by 1975.Part of the history of Melbourne Legacy's involvement with residential care for children.2 photocopied foolscap sheets, black on discoloured white. Two holes punched for filing. 'From G. Rosman 27/9/71' in pencil.residences, review -
Melbourne Legacy
Document - Document, report, Residences Review Sub-Committee
... Residences Review Sub-Committee...residences ...Typed notes on a meeting 18 August 1971 between L/tees J.E. Chancellor, G.K. Rosnan, H.C.G. Rodgers identifying the objectives of the sub-committee to review and make recommendations to the Board with regard to the need for and the future of residences. Discussions were wide-ranging and in greater depth than those of the Forecasting Committee (Cat.No. 01670), and the results showed a continuing need for accommodation, whilst phasing out at least one of the residences during the 1970s, with alternative accommodation needing further investigation. Each Legatee on the sub-committee was tasked with further action before the next meeting on 13 September 1971.Part of the history of Melbourne Legacy's involvement with residential care for children.5 x carbon copied foolscap sheets, black on discoloured white. Two holes punched for filing. Page 1: Handwritten in black biro '23-8-71' Page 3: Line 6 '(Copy attached)'residences, review -
Melbourne Legacy
Document - Document, report, Report on Legacy Residences, 1972
... Report on Legacy Residences...residences ...An unattributed report dated 18/04/1972 to be read in conjunction with Cat. No. 01670. The report gives details of the situation at that date and projected changes to the functions of the residences, occupancy rates, costs and likely trends in accommodation needs. It explores at length auxiliary and alternate accommodation such as the Salvation Army, YMCA, YWCA and church hostels, before offering future options: (i) to carry on using Harelands, Stanhope and Blamey House without change, (ii) move working girls and boys to YWCA/church hostel or YMCA/church hostel, converting Stanhope to a co-ed residence for over 14s attending school, maintaining Harelands as a co-ed residence for under 14s, and releasing Blamey House. These changes to take place when the number of residents over the age of 14 falls below 34 in two consecutive years.Part of the history of Melbourne Legacy's involvement with residential care for children.White foolscap paper x 6 pages, with black type. Two holes punched for filing, and 2 add-ins. Page 1: Handwritten in pencil: 'Discussed with J. Chancellor 18/4/72', 'DRAFT 18/4/72 see later Draft 19/4', under Occupancy '74' is circled and '72' written next to it. Handwritten in blue biro: '(This report has been updated under the heading of Occupancy to include 1971 figures)', '(a) Junior Legatees' added under 3. Page 2: Handwritten in blue biro: '(b) Costs of Maintaining Residences added under #3, 'ER' added in pencil to 'high' near bottom of page. Page 3: Handwritten in pencil: 'should' changed to 'could' on line 4, lines 5-8 annotated 're other organisations', 'gratified' changed to 'qualified' in blue biro half way down the page. Page 4: figures for apprentices and total pencilled into table and two pencilled lines have been added to para 4. Page 5: 'There being approximately 15 under 18 years' in blue biro inserted in Line 13. Page 6: 'Insert 7' pencilled in front of '7.', which is changed to '8'. Page 7: '8' changed to 9 in pencil, 'problem cases' written at the end, and '(over the age of 14)' inserted in blue biro on the penultimate line. 01672(8): in blue ink: 'members' changed to 'numbers', and 'fill' changed to 'fell'.residences, review, blamey house, harelands, stanhope -
Melbourne Legacy
Document, Report of Forecasting Committee: Legacy Residences
... Report of Forecasting Committee: Legacy Residences...residences ...By 1970 questions were being asked about the future viability of the three Melbourne Legacy residences - Harelands, Stanhope and Blamey House - and a committee was established to look into the issue. Chaired by A.V. Dore, the Forecasting Committee recommended that the Residences Committee be fully involved with the decision making, and a further sub-committee be established to pursue the matters raised in the report. The report was marked 'Confidential' and gave statistics for both costs and occupation rates whilst being careful to avoid being either for or against the proposal to close residences.Part of the history of Melbourne Legacy's involvement with residential care for children.2 x typed fooolscap sheets, double sided, black on white, punched for filing.residences, review, blamey house, harelands, stanhope -
Melbourne Legacy
Document - Document, minutes, Minutes of meeting of Steering Committee (Residences)
... Minutes of meeting of Steering Committee (Residences)...residences ...Minutes of the meeting held on 28th February 1975 which updated the information in Cat. No. 01693. Red Cross, which owned Stanhope and leased it to Melbourne Legacy, had been approached to consider Legacy's request to modify the residence. The numbers of children 16 years and under had averaged 35-40 with 26 currently in residence. The Committee now proposed that Harelands should be sold and Stanhope should become co-ed and modified to accommodate 40 children. Chairman Legatee Quayle undertook to ring other Committee members for their approval to pass these recommendations to the Junior Legacy Club. In a file with documents pertaining to the residences.Gives an insight into Legacy thinking about the way in which the residences should be used.Fading photocopy, originally black on white, now brown on cream. Two holes punched for filing. residences, review, blamey house, harelands, stanhope -
Melbourne Legacy
Document, Residences
... Residences...residences ...Handwritten anonymous notes, possibly 1971, headed "Ask Alec" and identifying information the writer needed such as 'Present state of the project'. There is no indication of what the project was beyond dates for the acceptance of tenders, start of construction and date of completion etc. Appears to be part of the review of the residences done at that time. When ideas for renovating and upgrading one of the homes was being considered. Apparently building would start in March 1972 and be completed before the end of 1972. There is no record of a Legatee called 'Alec' at the appropriate time in Melbourne Legacy records.Part of the history of Melbourne Legacy's involvement with residential care for children.2 pencilled foolscap sheets, black on discoloured white. Two holes punched for filing. residences, review -
Melbourne Legacy
Document, History & purposes of residences
... History & purposes of residences...residences ...A paper which was delivered to the Legacy in Victoria Conference in 1980, detailing Melbourne Legacy's involvement in housing the children of Legacy widows since 1942. By 1950 Melbourne Legacy administered four houses - Holmbush, Stanhope, Blamey House and Harelands - and cared for approximately 100 children. The houses were designed to be as homely as possible, and each one was largely autonomous. Children, many of whom came from country Victoria, would go to their own homes during school holidays and the Christmas season. The stated objectives were to 'pass out into the world young men and women with high ideals of citizenship, who are self-reliant and self-supporting.' Also 'to provide affection, security and a future goal and essential discipline.' The country Clubs and Groups would send provisions such as preserved fruit, cheese, eggs, honey, citrus fruit, butter, and potatoes throughout the year to support the residences. Numbers of residents declined during the 70s, and in 1975 a Residences Committee recommended that Blamey House and Harelands should be closed, leaving only Stanhope in operation, the first Blamey House having closed in 1955 with Holmbush being renamed the second Blamey House. By 1980 the only remaining house was Stanhope with an average occupancy of 20. See Cat. No. 00785 for a first hand account of being a resident at Stanhope.Melbourne Legacy established residences to aid children of deceased servicemen complete their education, take further education and find employment. The document reveals details of the residences through the years. It shows the effort the Legatees invested in looking after Junior Legatees and how seriously they took this responsibility.White foolscap paper x 3 pages, with black type.Some pencilled ticks and bracketing, W.T. Lewis handwritten in blue biro on last page.residences, conference -
Melbourne Legacy
Document, Future of Residences Sequence of Proposed Developments
... Future of Residences Sequence of Proposed Developments...residences ...The Steering Committee Residences developed this PERT (Programme Evaluation Review Technique) as noted in a memo dated 28.5.74 written by Chairman Legatee Quayle (Cat. No. 01689). The chart shows the sequence of developments for rationalising Blamey House, Stanhope, and Harelands, and potentially allowing for the long term transitioning of Blamey House into accommodation for elderly widows; this was never carried out. Gives an insight into Legacy thinking about the way in which the residences should be used.White foolscap photocopy, black type on white. Two holes punched for filing. In ink bottom right hand side 'HR 3/4/74' This would have been Legatee Rodgers.residences, blamey house, stanhope, harelands -
Melbourne Legacy
Document - Document, memorandum, Re: Steering Committee - Future of Residences
... Re: Steering Committee - Future of Residences...residences ...Memo dated 28.5.74 written by Chairman Legatee Quayle after the Steering Committee had submitted their report on the future of the residences to the Board (Cat.No. 01684) recommending that an in depth study should be carried out. The Steering Committee was appointed to carry out the study and Legatee Quayle confirms the terms of reference and the matters to be discussed at the first meeting on 26 June 1974. Gives an insight into Legacy thinking about the way in which the residences should be used.1 foolscap photocopy, black on white. Two holes punched for filing. In pencil: #(b) underlined and annotated 'say $1250' #(c) underlined and annotated 'Mid Sept Board Mtg' 'H.Berg' #(d) underlined and annotated 'H Berg go back to council' H.Rodgers ticked in red in distribution list.residences, blamey house, stanhope, harelands -
Melbourne Legacy
Document, Steering committee - Future of Residences
... Steering committee - Future of Residences...residences ...Draft report of the Steering Committee (Residences) dated 29/3/74 on the accompanying note, which was addressed to Hugh (Legatee H. Rodgers) and signed Allan Q. (Legatee A. Quayle). The Steering Committee was in favour of demolishing and re-building Blamey House in stages: 1. constructing motel type units on SW corner of the site, 2. Demolishing Blamey House 3. Moving occupants in from Stanhope 4. Moving occupants from Harelands to Stanhope and selling Harelands. The plan would also provide future accommodation for widows in the long term. These recommendations were never implemented. See also Cat. No. 01677.Part of the history of Melbourne Legacy's involvement with residential care for children.White foolscap paper x 5 pages with black type. Two holes punched for filing. 2 handwritten add-ons, one black biro on unpunched white paper, the second black biro on faintlined paper with double holes punched. In black biro: Page 1 line 4 - 'the' inserted Page 1 3.1.2 'u' deleted Page 2 - 3.2 (A) and (B) inserted Page 3 - 3.3 split into (A) and (B) Page 3 - 4.1.2 crossed out and rewritten on separate sheet Page 3 - 4.2.2 'Move occupants from 'Stanhope' into the new complex' added. Page 4 - 4.2.3 Crossed out and rewritten as 'Move the occupants from 'Harelands' to 'Stanhope' and sell 'Harelands'. Page 4 - 6.1.1 'However, the Page 4 - final para 'detail of what these funds might be available' replaced with 'detailed information on the availability of these funds' Page 5 - 6.1.3 'implemented' replaced 'put in hand Page 5 - changed to read 'Suitable short-term housing of our Junior Legatees at a standard commensurate with the responsibility of Legacy'.residences, review, blamey house -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Mount Helen Student Residences
... Mount Helen Student Residences ...Student Residences on Mount Helen Campus.student residences, mount helen, buildings -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Mount Helen Campus Student Residences, 1972-3
... Mount Helen Campus Student Residences ...Tne Mount Helen Halls of residence under construction .6) Nine caravans hired when the Halls of Residences were not completed on time. student residences, caravans, buildings, mount helen campus -
Melbourne Legacy
Document - Document, letter, Re Legatee Carter's letters on Residences Review Sub-Committee Report
... Re Legatee Carter's letters on Residences Review Sub...residences ...Response by Legatee J.E. Chancellor, Chairman of the Residences Review Sub-Committee dated 30th August 1972 to the letters from Legatee Carter (Cat.No. 01685), and addressed to the Chairman of Junior Legacy Club, with copies to the recipients of Legatee Carter's letters. In his detailed response, Legatee Chancellor refutes Legatee Carter's claims with detailed reasons and explanations. Part of the history of Melbourne Legacy's involvement with residential care for children.White foolscap sheets x 3 pages, with black type. Two holes punched for filing. Page 1: two vertical pencilled lines Page 3 verso: L/H.C.Rodgers in blue biroresidences, review, blamey house, harelands, stanhope -
Melbourne Legacy
Document - Document, report, Report by Residences Review Sub-Committee, 1972
... Report by Residences Review Sub-Committee...residences ...Final report dated April 1972 submitted by the Residences Review Sub-Committee (J.E. Chancellor. Chair, H.C.G. Rogers, G.K. Rosman) - see drafts at Cat.Nos. 01672 and 01673. The report of the Forcasting Committee, Cat. No. 01670, is included as Appendix I, and comparative costs statements 1963-1971 are included as Appendices II-V. The report gives details of the situation at that date and projected changes to the functions of the residences, occupancy rates, costs and likely trends in accommodation needs. It explores at length auxiliary and alternate accommodation such as the Salvation Army, YMCA, YWCA and church hostels, before recommending that when the number of residents over the age of 14 falls below 34 in two consecutive years Blamey House be disposed of or developed for other needs, Stanhope is converted to co-ed accommodation for over 14s, and Harelands is used as co-ed accommodation for the under 14s. The report also recommends investigating as a separate project maintaining a separate cottage for problem children.Part of the history of Melbourne Legacy's involvement with residential care for children.10 doublesided foolscap sheets, black on white. Two holes punched for filing. Page 1: in pencil: 'FINAL REPORT'residences, review, blamey house, harelands, stanhope -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Digital Image, Federation University Gippsland Campus Student Residences, 15/12/2014
... Federation University Gippsland Campus Student Residences ...Colour photograph of a University of Ballarat Student Residence .students residences, student accomodation, gippsland campus -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Colour, Federation University Student Residences, c2005, c2005
... Federation University Student Residences, c2005 ...Federation University Australia was established on 1 January 2014. Formerly known as the University of Ballarat, its enabling legislation was the University of Ballarat Amendment (Federation University Australia) Act 2013. Although formally created as a University in 1994, the University of Ballarat has a lineage back to 1870 with the establishment of the School of Mines Ballarat, making it the third institution of higher learning to be established in Australia and the first to be established in regional Australia. On 1 January 1994, Ballarat University College became the University of Ballarat and in 1998 the University merged with three TAFE Institutes to become a dual sector institution with multiple campuses. On 1 January 2014, the University of Ballarat amalgamated with the Monash University Gippsland Campus to form Federation University Australia. The Gippsland Campus also had a long lineage dating back to 1928 with the establishment of the Yallourn Technical School which became a predecessor institution to the Gippsland College of Advanced Education formed in 1968. In 1990, it was renamed the Monash University College and in 1993 became the Gippsland Campus of Monash University. In 2016, Federation University Australia announced plans to take possession, over a two-year period, of Monash’s Berwick Campus in the south-east corridor of Melbourne. Federation University Australia, or FedUni, is headquartered in Ballarat and offers programs in Higher Education and Vocational Education and Training to regional Victoria and beyond. The University’s commitment to educational and social equity, teaching excellence, research distinction, environmental sustainability and regional capacity building has enabled it to develop in a way that draws on its proud heritage to inform its future. Its regional character sets a framework for the University’s priorities but does not constrain it from serving wider community interests, nationally and internationally. The name Federation University Australia was chosen to convey the scope and capacity of an expanded regional university with a federated network of campuses.Photographs of the student residences at Mt Helen Campus. mt helen campus, federation university, student residences -
Melbourne Legacy
Document - Document, letter, Residences Review Sub-Committee Report, 1972
... Residences Review Sub-Committee Report...residences ...Two letters dated 12th June 1972 and 18th June 1972 from Legatee D.B. Carter to Legatee E.G. Baker as a member of the Board of Management, discussing the Residences Review Sub-Committee Report of April 1972. (Cat. No. 01674). L/- Carter challenges many of the items in the report in quite an emphatic manner before offering his own recommendations in the first letter; not content with this lengthy letter, he revisits the matter only six days later and 'urges' the Board of Management to appoint a sub-committee to examine not only accommodation of problem children, but also whether Melbourne Legacy funds are being used in the most effective way. See Cat. No. 01686 for Legatee Chancellor's response as Chair of the Residences Review Sub-Committee. Also mentions children being placed in auxiliary accomodation.Part of the history of Melbourne Legacy's involvement with residential care for children.White foolscap sheets x 3 pages, with black type. Two holes punched for filing. residences, review, blamey house, harelands, stanhope, committee -
Melbourne Legacy
Document - Document, report, Steering committee - Future of Residences
... Steering committee - Future of Residences...residences ...Report presented by the Steering Committee to the Board of Management dated 18 March 1975 with their recommendations for the future of Blamey House, Harelands and Stanhope. The Committee was chaired by Legatee A. Quayle and composed of Legatees J. Chancellor, H. Berg, H. Rodgers and E. Trebilcock. They noted that occupancy rates were falling (Appendix 'A') and it would not be economically viable to renovate the buildings. They recommended that: Harelands should be sold and Blamey House redeveloped for widows' accommodation, and that Stanhope should be modified for co-ed accommodation. The Committee requested that the matters raised in the report should be considered urgently. In a file with documents pertaining to the residences. Part of the history of Melbourne Legacy's involvement with residential care for children.Foolscap sheets x 3 pages, black on white copy. Two holes punched for filing. '18-3-75' pencilled on first sheet.residences, blamey house, harelands, stanhope -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Digital Image, University of Ballarat Student Residences, 15/12/2014
... University of Ballarat Student Residences ...Colour photograph of 2 students in a room on Student Residence.mount helen campus, alumni, students residences, student accomodation -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Mt Helen Student Residences, c1980s, 1980s
... Mt Helen Student Residences, c1980s ...Colour photograph of the exterior of the Mt Helen Student helen campus, student residences -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Mt Helen Student Residences, c1980s, 1980s
... Mt Helen Student Residences, c1980s ...Colour photograph of the exterior of the Mt Helen Student helen campus, student residences -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Mt Helen Student Residences, c1980s, 1980s
... Mt Helen Student Residences, c1980s ...Colour photograph of the exterior of the Mt Helen Student helen campus, student residences -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Mt Helen Student Residences, c1980s, 1980s
... Mt Helen Student Residences, c1980s ...Colour photograph of the exterior of the Mt Helen Student helen campus, student residences -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Mt Helen Student Residences, c1980s, 1980s
... Mt Helen Student Residences, c1980s ...Colour photograph of the exterior of the Mt Helen Student helen campus, student residences -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Mt Helen Student Residences, c1980s, 1980s
... Mt Helen Student Residences, c1980s ...Colour photograph of the exterior of the Mt Helen Student helen campus, student residences -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Mt Helen Student Residences, c1980s, 1980s
... Mt Helen Student Residences, c1980s ...Colour photograph of the exterior of the Mt Helen Student helen campus, student residences -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Colour, Bella Guerin Student Residences on Mt Helen Campus, 2019, 11/05/2019
... Bella Guerin Student Residences on Mt Helen Campus, 2019 ...Colour photograph of the Student Residences, Mt Helen Campusmt helen campus, student residences, bella guerin student residences -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Colour, Peter Lalor Student Residences on Mt Helen Campus, 2019, 11/05/2019
... Peter Lalor Student Residences on Mt Helen Campus, 2019 ...Colour photograph of the Student Residences, Mt Helen Campusmt helen campus, student residences, peter lalor student residences