Historical information

Letter dated 29 November 1973 from (Legatee) A. Quale, Chairman, Residences Committee, to Legatee H.C.G. Rodgers appointing him to the Steering Committee (Residences) and laying out the terms of reference, and the investigations to be undertaken in order make recommendations about the future of the Melbourne Legacy residences. Members of the committee were selected with particular reference to their experience in certain fields and responsibilities allocated accordingly; Legatee Rodgers was tasked with forecasting occupancy levels for the following 10 years.
Legatee Rodgers noted that copies of the titles for Blamey House and Harelands were to follow.


Part of the history of Melbourne Legacy's involvement with residential care for children.

Physical description

Photocopied letter on letterhead, some original typing, black on white.

Inscriptions & markings

Signed in blue biro 'Allan Quale, per (illegible)'