Historical information

Typed notes on a meeting 18 August 1971 between L/tees J.E. Chancellor, G.K. Rosnan, H.C.G. Rodgers identifying the objectives of the sub-committee to review and make recommendations to the Board with regard to the need for and the future of residences. Discussions were wide-ranging and in greater depth than those of the Forecasting Committee (Cat.No. 01670), and the results showed a continuing need for accommodation, whilst phasing out at least one of the residences during the 1970s, with alternative accommodation needing further investigation. Each Legatee on the sub-committee was tasked with further action before the next meeting on 13 September 1971.


Part of the history of Melbourne Legacy's involvement with residential care for children.

Physical description

5 x carbon copied foolscap sheets, black on discoloured white. Two holes punched for filing.

Inscriptions & markings

Page 1: Handwritten in black biro '23-8-71'
Page 3: Line 6 '(Copy attached)'
