Historical information
The information in this booklet was prepared by a University Investigation Committee formed in Warrnambool in 1961 to present the case for the establishment of a university in the Warrnambool area. The chairman of this committee was the Mayor of Warrnambool, Cr P. O’Sullivan and the secretary was W. L. George of Warrnambool. This submission was unsuccessful at the time but campaigning for a university continued. In 1961 Warrnambool Technical School in Timor Street was offering both secondary and tertiary courses in the technical and trades areas and in 1969 the tertiary section of this Technical School became the Warrnambool Institute of Advanced Education. The tertiary section was relocated in 1984 to Sherwood Park, a 94 hectare site on the Princes Highway five kilometres from Warrnambool’s C.B.D. In 1990 Deakin University established a regional campus at Sherwood Park after a merger with the Warrnambool Institute of Advanced Education.
This booklet has some historical significance as it contains the information collated on the campaign in Warrnambool and the Western District for a university to be established in the Warrnambool area.
Physical description
This is a soft cover booklet of 48 pages. It has a beige-coloured cover with black printing. The booklet has been bound with brown tape. It has printed information, black and white photographs, a fold-out map, graphs and tables.