Historical information
These booklets come from the estate of Brue Morris, editor of the Warrnambool Standard from 1946 to 1968. He was an important historian in Warrnambool, writing many historical articles for the Standard newspaper during his editorship and after his retirement. He kept files and other material on many topics related to Warrnambool’s history and Heatherlie was one of these. Heatherlie is a site in Koroit Street Warrnambool occupied by flats for the elderly. The name comes from the name of the original property owned by the Warrnambool furniture maker and seller, E.B. Phillips. Heatherlie Homes is a project established in 1979 under the auspices of the Methodist Church in Warrnambool and today the project is operated by a Uniting Church committee.
These two booklets are of historical interest detailing the establishment of Heatherlie Homes in Warrnambool and the history of the property and its buildings in 1981. The booklets are useful to researchers.
Physical description
.1 This is a booklet of 8 pages with black print on a buff-coloured background. The cover has a sketch of the proposed Heatherlie project. The booklet has plans, sepia-coloured photographs and information for donors. There are two loose flyers re the appeal.
.2 This is a booklet of 22 pages. It has an orange cover with reproductions of the building opening plaque and a Uniting Church statement. The booklet contains historical facts about Heatherlie and the Uniting Church and reports on Heatherlie’s progress. It also has several black and white photographs.