Historical information

The 67th Battalion was raised in mid 1912 as a local militia training battalion in Bendigo. During World War One, many of its members enlisted in the newly formed 38th Battalion which was raised in Bendigo in 1916. At one point it was a garrison battalion stationed at Queenscliff. It was disbanded in 1918 and became the area 38th Battalion. The colours were laid up in St Paul's Cathedral in Bendigo on October 25th 1929.
In 2006, with the cathedral needing to carry out repairs and alterations, the colours were offered to Bendigo's Soldiers Memorial Institute Military Museum. On 17th April, 2007 under direction from RSM Ceremonial, the colours were re-laid up in the museum in a ceremony conducted by the Reverend Peta Sherlock and witnessed by church and RSL members after 12 months of planning and putting together.

Physical description

.1) Middle banner in the photograph. Rectangular banner representing the colours of the 67th Battalion on an olive green background. In the centre is a circular red medallion featuring an embroidered battalion badge. A purple circular border with 'Bendigo Infantry' on it surrounds the red medallion. All are surrounded by a gold and silver wreath depicting the flowers and leaves of the golden wattle. '67' is embroidered on the top right hand corner. The banner is fringed on three sides in gold. Two cords with gold and olive tassels are attached to the top right hand corner. A sewn sleeve for the pike is on the right hand side.
.2) Wooden pike with metal spear head on end. A metal ring encircles the handle of the pike.