Booklet, Kessinger Publishing, Descriptive catalogue of Australis Tradesmen's tokens, 2010

Historical information

This book is a reprint of a rare 19th catalogue of Australian tradesmen’s tokens. A token was a coin to the value of one penny produced in the mid 19th century to benefit businesses at a time when there was a shortage of English pennies. The token or penny had the name, business and date on the coin and could only be used in that particular business. In Warrnambool two businesses, those of William Jamieson of Liebig Street and William Bateman of Banyan Street, had tokens (1855 and 1862). Today examples of these local tokens are highly valued because of their historical interest.


This book is of interest as a reprint of a 19th century catalogue of Australian token coins. It will be useful as a reference book.

Physical description

This is a soft cover book of 80 pages. It has a yellow cover with black print within a white background frame. The text contains many black and white images of tokens.

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