Stencils x 3

Historical information

Stencils were used to mark produce before it went to markets and/or in transit. Produce such as bales of wool, dairy and fresh produce were so marked and the account credited to the relevant producer. The origins and provenance of the stencils is not known at this time.


These stencils have no known provenance but have interpretive interest and significance.

Physical description

.1 Oval metal stencil with the number 373 cut out of the metal and with WTC engraved above it. Circular hole in the metal on the left side.
.2 Circular metal with 549 cut out of metal and S of W engraved above. One large circle and two smaller circles also cut out of the metal.
.3 Oval metal stencil with the numbers 199 cut out of metal and TCW engraved above it. Circular hole has been cut out on the left.

Inscriptions & markings

.1 WTC Old catalogue number on rear 437
.2 S of W Old catalogue number on rear 442
.3 TCW. Old catalogue number on rear.433

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