Historical information

Formed in 1921, A.W Steane was the first president of the Ballarat Junior Technical School Ex-Students' Association which later became the Old Boys Association. The association conducted regular social evenings at the school in order to keep past students in touch with one another and to provide amenities for the school. Fund raising dances, smoke nights, film nights and visits to local industries were held. The Old Boys Association presented the Honour Blazer to the best all-round student at Speech Night until 1941 when a wallet bearing an O.A.B. badge was given as the prize. Then in the 1950s a two-year scholarship was instituted to attend the senior school. Donations were also given to purchase library books and sporting equipment. The major event held each year was the Annual Meeting held in July usually at the Wattle Tea Rooms where up to 100 past students would meet.

Physical description

Multiple gold coloured metal lapel pins with enameled face. 'Ballarat J T S' is set in green enamel, and the Old Boys Association is set in blue. The face is oval shaped with a banner across the bottom. These pins are carried in a cardboard box bearing the label of Stokes & Sons.

Inscriptions & markings

On the front face - Ballarat J T S, Old Boys Association. Impressed into the back face - Stokes