Historical information

This book was produced as a gift for Australian soldiers and their families on the Western Front in 1917.
In the introduction General Birdwood, Commander of the ANZACS, explained it was for ‘…those whom we left behind in Australia, and who we know are thinking of us, some idea of our surroundings on the battle fronts…’.


This book is a significant contemporary record of life for the Australian soldiers on the Western Front during World War 11.

Physical description

Grey cardboard covered 128 pp book with black and red writing on cover. the title, "FROM THE AUSTRALIAN FRONT" is in black print at the top above a black drawn sketch of two soldiers behind a mound and holding bayonets. at the foot is XMAS. 1917 inside a red rectangle with the insignia of the Australian Army (the rising sun) at the top. It contains cartoons, illustrations and photographs created by the soldiers themselves and put together in the style of an annual.