Historical information

Leesplankjes were first created in the last decade of the 19th century and continued to be created in a number of variations until the 1950's. Separate editions were used for Dutch populations abroad, e.g., the Dutch East Indies.


Every Dutch primary school child would have been familiar with these boards and letters. A number of variations existed depending on the particular area in The Netherlands where the school was. There were distinctive boards for e.g., South Africa and Dutch East Indies.

Physical description

a) Reading Board - an aid to lelarning to read.
b ) A small round tin containing the necessary letters to build the words shown and illustrated on "leesplankjes" or reading boards. (See also item 4839).
c) Book produced in 2014 concerning the variety of these reading boards with the addition of word games and reading practice.

Inscriptions & markings

a) variety of nouns containing an assortment of diphthongs.
b )Lettertjes bij Hoogeveens leesplankje*J.B.Wolters. Groningen* (Letters for Hoogeveen reading boards)
c) Book Title: Het Leesplankje met woordspelletje en oefeningen. (The Reading Board with word games and exercises).
