Magazine, The Radio Press, Popular Radio Weekly, 1925, 1925

Physical description

Five 'Popular Radio Weekly Magazines.

.1) Vol. 1, No. 1, 25 February 1925. (Purchasing a receiver, eliminating static, Morse Code, An Efficient one-valver, A Simple Crystal Circuit, Combining Valve and Crystle, the Alfred Hospital, Frank Tate on Radio. Images of Josie Melville, Alberto Zelmanm circuits)

.2) Vo. 1, No. 14, 27 May 1925. (Purity amplifier, Popular Wireless, Oscillations, Marconi's Wireless Beam Transmitter, Resistance coupled Amplifiers, Condenser Losses)

.3) Vol. 1, No. 2, 04 March 1925. (A Crystal Receiver, Medium Wave Four-Valver, The Harkness Circuit, A One-Valve Super, The Aerial Mast, The Police Patrol, C Batteries, A Two Crysal set, La Bela Lingvo, Plain Aerial. Images - Transmitting Aeroplace, A. Nicholson - Chief Commissioner of Police)

.4) Vol. 1, No 15, 03 June 1925. (The Ham and Radiophone, A Good Circuit, How the Microphone Transmitter Works, A Reflex Circuit, A Millionaire's Radio Installation, Teh Deresnadyne, Crystal Detectors, Hints an Accumulators, 3LO, Selection Radio Parts)

.5) Vol 1, No. 6, 01 April 1925. (The Renartz Tuner, A 600 foot aerial, Measuring your Receiver, Doctoring Your Set, Understanding What You Read, The Vernier Condenser, Radio and Railways, Who Can Build the Smallest Set.)

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