Physical description

2 files of assorted documents.
File 1 contains:
-Letter from Menzies Creek Hall Committee of Management, dated 2/7/1991.
-Handwritten Annual Account from 11/11/1988.
-Financial Statement from Menzies Creek Garden Club, 1989.
-Financial Statement from Menzies Creek Garden Club, 1990
-2x Handwritten list of financial members of Menzies Creek Garden Club, 1990-91.
-Two pages of handwritten notes titled 'African Violets'.
-Financial Statement from a flower show in 1991.
-A syllabus for the Menzies Creek Garden Club, 1988. stapled to two handwritten notes, a 4 page flyer for an Autumn Flower Show
-A syllabus for the Menzies Creek Garden Club 1986.
File 2 is covered in handwritten text consisting of names and tasks (example: Dot Hunter is listed under 'Cuts and Shrubs'). It consists of:
-Letter from the Menzies Creek Garden club, from president, dated 8/1/1982.
-5 page flyer for a Autumn Garden show, dated 1994.
-Large ring binder book of documents, correspondance, rules associated with the Menzies Creek garden Club, dated between 1972 and 1987.
