Historical information

Stem pessaries were instruments used for rectifying uterine displacement, either ante or retroversion. The pessary consisted of a stem and bulb or ball. The stem was introduced into the vagina, and the bulb rested against the cervix/uteri. An external wire frame could be attached to the bulb. The wire frame would be positioned to press on the pubis, thus keeping the pessary in position in utero.

Although this pessary has been recorded as Peaslee's it is very similar in appearance to Thomas's galvanic stem pessaries. Stem pessaries were used in rectifying uterine displacement, either acute or retroversion. A pink tag was attached by string to one of the stems inscribed "Peaslee's/ Uterine/ Stem " "...?TID" on other side.

Physical description

Two Peaslee's intrauterine stem pessaries. Copper single stem pessaries with rounded top, stamped with the number seven on the top.
