Carton's mucus evacuator, and introducer, used by Dr Mitchell Henry O'Sullivan

Historical information

Used for the removal of mucus, chiefly, from newborn infants. The top section of the chamber in the evacuator acted as a receptacle for wool to absorb any excess overflow of fluid/mucus. The lower section of the chamber collected the aspirated fluid.


Dr Mitchell Henry O'Sullivan worked in the Victorian country town of Casterton as a general practitioner from 1919 until his death in 1977. He also practiced obstetrics. His son, Dr David More O'Sullivan donated his obstetric bag and its contents to the College in 1999. The bag and contents are a unique time capsule of the type of instruments and pharmaceuticals used in the inter-war period.

Physical description

Metal evacuator with wire introducer. Evacuator has a rounded middle chamber, which is divided into two sections. Proximal end of evacuator is curved to approximately 60 degrees and has two small holes in the end. Introducer is a straight piece of wire attached to a flanged head, with a small, serrated edge.


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