Historical information

Label written by Dr Frank Forster documents that this item belonged to Private RP Holbery, who carried the caul as a good luck charm when he served in the Australian Imperial Forces (AIF) during WWI. Refer to supplementary file for War Records at Cat no: 34

A caul is a small slightly yellow coloured membrane that can cover the newborn baby's face. After birth, the caul can be removed and laid on a piece of paper to dry. Superstitions regarding cauls are very ancient, and believers in superstition thought that babies born with a caul would never drown. They were traditionally sold to sailors to bring good luck. Lawyers or advocates in the legal profession would buy cauls as they believed it would confer the "gift of the gab". Cauls were also carried by servicemen during the early part of the 20th Century. World War I pushed up the price of cauls. They were often carried in silver cases engraved with commemorative inscriptions.

Other names used for a caul are "Coif", "Sillie", "How" (Hood) or "Hallihoo" (Holy Hood).

Physical description

Caul, consisting of yellowed membrane in two pieces. Caul has tissue paper like appearance and is folded upon itself.

