Historical information

Personal diary of Dr F.J Browne. Donated by Grace Cuthbert Browne, wife of Dr Brown. The original diary would have had a small pencil attached.

Francis James Browne died in Sydney 1963. He had a long career in obstetrics and gynaecology. Summary of appointments include: General Practice in Wales, Maternity Department of the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, 1st director of obstetric unit, University College Hospital London. Retired and continued postgraduate teaching in London and NSW. Married to Grace Cuthbert, who was director of Maternal and Baby Welfare in NSW. A collection of objects found amongst Professor FJ Browne's papers were transferred from the Archives to the Museum collections in January 1994.

Physical description

Personal diary. Small navy blue hard cover bound diary with "1940" in gold lettering on front cover. Inscription on front page, "F.J. Browne/ 8 Downing Street/ Cambridge". Pencil/loop holder attached to back cover. Entries in diary are written in pencil - only partially used as a diary. The diary entries finish on 6 June 1940.
