Historical information

Old collegian Dorothy Joy Mott (1960) is referenced in this book pp.113-131. Each of the thirteen midwives in this book work in extreme locations with few resources, but armed with only courage and skill, they regularly save lives and birth babies in difficult circumstances on an airstrip, a cattle station, a dinghy (knee deep in water with a wary eye out for the local croc), a troop carrier or in the face of a cyclone. These stories are a tribute to both the skill of the midwives and the courage of the mothers. For these women, midwifery is not just a job - it's a committed and passionate way of life. See https://www.booktopia.com.au/australian-midwives-paula-heelan/prod9781760371982.html?source=pla&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5rHLvLLw3AIVDAYqCh0rgQpuEAQYASABEgIuk_D_BwE

Physical description

Medium soft cover book with colour cover and illustrations