Historical information

This book contains M.U.I.O.O.F. (Manchester Unity Independent Order Of Oddfellows) accounts of the Orbost group. Friendly Societies were founded in the Australian Colonies in the mid-19th Century by immigrants from England who had been members in Societies which dated back to the 18th Century. Like all working people these immigrants experienced sickness, accidents, unemployment, death and burial. They needed help of like fellows to tide their families over these times. So they formed a branch of one of the Friendly Societies back in the mother country. The idea was to make fixed contributions to a fund and when they were off work they would receive a payment. When they died funeral benefits would be paid and the widow and children would be cared for. It was a form of local insurance for hard times.


This account book was used in a a time of 'look after yourself' as the Colonial Governments did not provide pensions or benefits.
This item reflects those times.

Physical description

A hard back book with a blue cover and a brown spine.

Inscriptions & markings

on spine on red flock in gold lettering "NIGHT BOOK: